Friday, April 2, 2010

Bring On the April Showers

The darling Lilly shifts that I picked out for the girls to wear this Easter are going to remain in the closet.  We are expecting tons of rain here in Northern California.  Every year we go to the Amador Flower Farm after services.  The Easter Bunny makes an appearance and they have one of the best Easter Egg hunts around.  It's a good one where they have age catagories and tons, I mean tons, of eggs.
I'll never forget taking Sadie to an Easter Egg hunt somewhere else when she was barely three.  She was all dressed up and so excited but stood there with an empty basket while eight year old boys ran circles around her collecting piles of eggs...NEVER to be repeated.  Seriously, I didn't let her see it but, I cried.  She, on the other hand, did fine, which is pretty typical.  Feeling rather homicidal towards eight year old boys (actually their parents), I decided it would be best to find a different Easter Egg Hunt in which to participate during the following years. So, the Flower Farm Hunt is a hit with parents of any child under five because the little ones aren't competeing with kids 2-3 times their age. In addition to the hunt, we take a huge picnic (actually my Mom brings a huge picnic, We bring the cute kids-thanks Mom!) and just make a fun day out of it.

Sadly, we decided to skip the traditional Flower Farm this year due to forecasted rain.  But then I decided to take a look at their website.  It says: "Easter Egg Hunt 1:00pm Rain or Shine".  Then I realized, our girls are completely water-proof.  I may not be a big fan of mud but, our girls just love it (they totally get that from their dad). So, why not?! I'm pulling out the rain boots and rain coats and we're going to give it a shot.  A little rain can't scare us, we are way tougher than where are my pink Wellies and my Lilly umbrella?  After all, let's not forget that it's Easter.

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