Thursday, July 21, 2011


I've been absent! I didn't even realize that it had been so long until I saw the date on my last post...shame on me. Here's the short list of what's been going on:

April: Insanely busy with my shops.  I did about three times the amount of orders that I normally do in any given month (I know weird, huh?) and then, there was an additional order for 500 headbands for a shop that's located on the east coast.  Also, our oldest (not so) little girl turned eight and I wouldn't think of letting her do that without a party. Seriously, my head was spinning.  On top of everything, I have these three kiddos and they, of course, have Spring Break in April , so I tried to make that fun as well.  Balance...

May-Still lots of orders (although, not as insane as April), Spring Break for the girls and a big fundraising event for school.

June-Kids out of school, Daily Swim Practice x two, Travels, Family Reunion and more...

That at least brings us to the current month.

So now, because I'm insane and thrive on stress I'm always looking for a new creative outlet, I decided to open a bridal accessory shop! I'm really liking it.  And why not? I get to play with silk and feathers- all kinds of feathers, I just ordered ivory peacock feathers, so fun. But the best part: The brides I've worked with are surprisingly calm and happy.  I could have used a little of what ever they're taking while I was engaged.  I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I honestly remember crying over seating assignments- like "losing it" crying.

 Here are a few photos of items in the shop:

I have a Russian netting birdcage veil that I've listed at only $10 as a grand opening type of deal. As of yet, the shop isn't even close to being as full as I'd like. Even so, here's a link if you want to visit KAK Bridal.

Now, I'm headed to the studio to tackle a boatload of tulle that will become elbow veils. On a side note, for those of you who have worked with tulle, isn't it the strangest textile?  It seems to grow, like the Blob- it's as though there's more of it every time I pull it out of the bin. Just had to mention it.

Thanks for stopping by!

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