Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mother's Day Corsage

When I was little, the idea of my Grandmothers going without a corsage on Mother's Day was simply unthinkable.  So, as all good traditions, the Mother's Day Corsage is back...only better!  Better, because they incorporate Lilly Pulitzer fabric and can be worn all year long.  These can be found in my shop by clicking here


  1. Those are adorable! You are so creative!

  2. I'm running over to buy RIGHT NOW! Seriously these are perfect for Mothers day and for all the graduations I have coming up! YAY!!!!!

  3. Hi, I found your Etsy shop today and I love your fabrics. I was wondering if you considered making tote bags as well.

  4. the PERFECT mother's day corsage...who needs wilting roses and lillies anyway, when you can have REAL LILLY's! ;-) so cute!

  5. I remember as a little girl going to pick out a corsage for my great grandmother, every mothers day. Your corages are just too cute, you are so talented!!!

  6. I am a fan on facebook, and following your blog! So glad I found this site :)


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