Perhaps some of you are already in the know, but if you're not, be informed that is an up and coming site where (get this!) you can design your own fabric. Some of you might not get too excited about that, but this fabric obsessed lady is loving this site. Here's the thing, if you're not artistically inclined but you have an old photo or drawing that you'd like to incorporate into a fabric design- you can use the mirror tool on the site and end up with something amazing because the software takes the image and makes it into a kaleidoscope effect and the results are just cool. Here's an example:
Via Spoonflower
You can make both private and public designs. I've seen people selling their own fabric designs on etsy and wondered how they were printing it- I'm thinking that some of them are going this route.
You can buy the public designs (I have a few in the mail on the way here now). The prices are really reasonable, starting at $18/yard. Another thing, some very talented sorority ladies have discovered the site and they've created some prints that (dare I say) rival Lilly's sorority patterns. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but they're beautiful.
Rather than talk about it, I'll just post a few samples and let you head over there yourself if you want to take a look and maybe make some fabric!
From Spoonflower |
From Spoonflower
From Spoonflower
From Spoonflower
From Spoonflower
From Spoonflower (Mirror tool design) |
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