I saw this vintage skirt on etsy this morning and bought it immediately. I didn't dare wait for some other pink and green pig skirt-loving lady to come along and snatch it up. I'm quite certain that there was one right behind me. So, I had to share this with you. A pink and green wrap skirt with pigs...I'm in heaven! It's going to further motivate me to lose that ten (okay, fifteen) pounds that I've been working on since the first. I want it to look like an outfit, not a personal uniform for the stay-at-home mom who seems to think it's absolutely necessary to consume her daughters' left-overs, (A lot of effort goes into making instant pudding , it's seems like such a tragedy to waste it)... So, having worked on headbands and other Lilly hair accessories for three days, this seemed like a good way to treat myself...chocolate pudding not being an option.
Back to the headbands, I'm going to have a another giveaway towards the week's end. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to make. This skirt has motivated me to go with a pink & green theme so the giveaway will be in all pinks and greens...stay tuned.